Lloyd Irvin lackey sues detractors for defamation, conspiracy

From Bloody Elbow's Brent Brookhouse:

"Marcos Avellan, a close associate and fierce defender of Irvin, has filed suit against a number of parties for defamation, conspiracy to defame, tortious interference with business relationships and conspiracy to tortiously interfere with business relationships. The paperwork was stamped by the deputy clerk on June 3.

Named in the suit are Justin Garcia, Nakapan Phungephorn, Brandon Nunley, Jungle Gym Martial Arts, LLC and BETA Martial Arts Academy. Garcia owns Jungle Gym while Phungephorn owns BETA. Nunley is a former MMA Millionaires client who posts on the MixedMartialArts.com forums as "Fuzzy Badfeet." Nunley was extremely vocal on the forums over the past several months about his alleged bad experiences with the program.

The documents give some background on Avellan's relationship to Irvin and the entire situation:
MMA [Consulting Services, LTD] is a mixed martial arts consulting business owned by Avellan which assists the owners of martial arts academies in marketing and developing their businesses. As part of its business, MMA produces and sells a series of training DVDs directed at owners of mixed martial arts schools about how to grow their businesses and increase profits. MMA's primary source of revenue comes from the sale of these DVDs, which it markets over the internet and through a mixed martial arts organization called MMA Millionaires.

MMA Millionaires organizes seminars directed at owners of mixed martial arts schools about how to grow their business and increase profits. The group is owned and operated by Lloyd Irvin, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu blackbelt and competitor who has trained and taught a number of prominent mixed martial arts fighters.

In addition to operating MMA Millionaires, Irvin also owns and operates two related businesses -- a martial arts school called Lloyd Irvin Martial Arts School, and an organization called The Mastermind Group, which provides business coaching and training to owners of mixed martial arts schools.

The Mastermind Group consists of three levels - the entry, or Platinum Level, Platinum Plus, and Titanium.
The documents also go on to say that "on or about August 19, 2012, Avellan's MMA consulting group (MMA) entered into an oral agreement with The Mastermind Group ["The Mastermind Agreement"]. Pursuant to the terms of the Mastermind Agreement, MMA was responsible for running the platinum level of the Mastermind Group in exchange for 50 percent of the revenues generated from platinum level members." And that Garcia, Phungephorn and Nunley "were also aware that MMA had taken charge of the platinum coaching calls prior to the time the incidents giving rise to this action arose, and knew or should have known that MMA had a financial interest in the Mastermind Group."

Explained in the actions are claims that Nunley didn't receive the DVD's that he purchased at a MMA Millionaires event:
Shortly after returning home to Wisconsin, Nunley phones MMA Millionaires to complain that the DVDs had not been timely delivered. Nunley also e-mailed Avellan to also complain that the DVDs had not been delivered. Irvin's assistant explained to Nunley that the DVDs were on order and would be arriving shortly. In addition, as a courtesy, Avellan offered to try and get Irvin to waive several months of Nunley's membership to The Mastermind Group and to pay for Nunley and is staff to travel to Miami for their scheduled sales training. In addition, Avellan offered a free private consultation with him courtesy of MMA Millionaires. Nunley accepted this offer without complaint."
 Check out Bloody Elbow for the rest of the story, here.


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