To anonymous....

To the charming, hardly literate buffoon who couldn't muster the sack to sign their own name to their comments:

Yes, I deleted your comments without publishing them.  Why?  Because my blog is not the time or place to "debate" what's on the videos and audio of the NYE gang rape.  If your brother/son/whatever he is doesn't take the plea, then the content of those videos will become public record.  It's not my place to provide another forum where you can yammer your rape apologies and slander the survivor.

YOU, sir, are the joke.  Thanks for inviting me to laugh at you.  If you're in attendance at the trial, which I hope to be, please, please come introduce yourself.  I won't even ask your name-- you just come up and say you're anonymous.  Because I think you're a piece of shit nutlicking coward and I bet you won't look me in the eye even with the protection of anonymity.

You petty imbecile.


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