"Lloyd has a huge following outside the jiu jitsu community, and they have no idea who he REALLY is. Don't you think it might be a good idea to discreetly point them toward some of the "emerging information," so Lloyd doesn't keep sharing podiums at their "big money" speaking events and getting kudos from the likes of Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul) and James Malinchak (The Secret Millionaire). They may be scammers themselves, but wouldn't it be awesome if they decided he was too scummy even for them?
A little background...
My friend and personal trainer has been caught up in the Internet marketing madness, but fortunately, is not too entrenched. I have learned so much over the last few months and shared what I learned with her. What I came to realize is that Lloyd is involved with the biggest names in Internet Marketing, and many of these names are the same ones my trainer knows.
- Jack Canfield (author who seems to have sold out for $$$)
- James Malinchak (Secret Millionaire on TV, copies Disney marketing techniques, has LLoyd and Vicki testimonials on his page)
- J W Dicks (co-owner of Celebrity Branding, with Nanton. They make people (including Lloyd) "best selling authors" through scammery)
- Nick Nanton (co-owner with Dicks; they are both attorneys)
- Andrea Adams-Miller ("expert on healthy sexual relationships" and a big Lloyd fan)
Given a few extra minutes, I could probably find a few more. Didn't find any "group" pages yet on FB, but will keep looking...
James Malinchak absolutely is close with Lloyd. Here are photos from one of the Big Money Speakers conventions in December 2012, at which Lloyd was a presenter. I presume Lloyd gets paid to appear at these things...
Here they are with Felipe Amarante, who with his wife Sofia trains at Cyborg's in Miami, I believe...

Apparently, Lloyd's appearances are quite the crowd pleaser.
And here's a page dedicated to an upcoming event. Not sure if Lloyd is scheduled to speak at this one. The copy is similar to the format of every other Lloyd and Lloydie promotional. Lloyd and Vicki's testimonials are part way down the page.
These names appear over and over again, they're all selling the same BS, and Lloyd and Vicki are providing testimonials on some of their pages. Do you think it would be a good idea if people shared a link to www.lloydirvinrapeexposed.com on their pages, just so they get a different view of this guy? Perhaps the Salty Droid should know about this, too, since he is a HUGE fan of Malinchak and Co. ;)
I know this is a little off topic, but the idea that Lloyd can continue "unmolested" with his marketing BS just makes me seethe."
Why, Friend, I think it's fabulously ON topic. If Lloyd Irvin can maintain an alleged victim pool, he will continue his alleged abuses. So I went ahead and mentioned this to those people, through their blogs, websites and facebook pages. I encourage you to do so as well if you are so moved. Here's what I wrote:
I wonder if you're aware that your colleague and affiliate Lloyd Irvin Jr. of Camp Springs MD has been embroiled in a massive scandal related to his allegedly fraudulent business practices and allegations of sexual abuses of young female martial arts students?
You are welcome to read more about it here
or my blog georgetteoden.blogspot.com
or here-- www.lloydirvinrapeexposed.com
Jack Canfield already deleted it from his facebook page, lol....
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