Christy Thomas, first female blackbelt under Relson Gracie

Ooh!  Megan over at Tangled Triangle has just posted a new interview with Christy Thomas, Relson's first female blackbelt..  I'm biased of course because I got my start in BJJ at Christy's academy in Austin (at the time, it was Phil and Christy's.. but I digress...)

Go give it a read here!

Sorry about my radio silence here.  Have a major work project next Thursday and I'm working late hours getting it done.  Also, we leave for NYC the next day to give IVF another try. 

I am currently working on reviews-- some very in arrears, and some very new-- to include Brian Johnson's B12 instructional for beginners (it's good stuff!) and Robert Drysdale's nogi series on the Cradle, and Emily Kwok and Stephen Kesting's "Bigger Stronger Opponent" set... then there's the wildly fashionable Scramble spats from, Lucky Gi's new bamboo offering, the limited-edition Diaz Brothers gi, and Datsusara's Hemp gi version 2.0.  I'll be posting a BUNCH while I'm in New York because Mitch will be working remotely so he's likely to be very unentertaining, and I just can't handle the guilt any more from not getting these off my plate!


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