* For my non-U.S. friends, the Iowa caucuses are noteworthy for the amount of media attention they receive during U.S. presidential election years. Since 1972, the Iowa caucuses have been the first major electoral event of the nominating process for President of the United States. Although only about one percent of the nation's delegates are chosen by the Iowa State Convention, the Iowa caucuses have served as an early indication of which candidates for president might win the nomination of their political party (in this case, the Republicans, since we have a Democrat hoping for re-election) at that party's national convention. Read more here.
The Ouano Competition Light is Michelle Bachmann. Looks good, but doesn't fit me at all.
Black Eagle Predator MK II. (Obama.)
Dom Gear DMX-- Rick Perry. A decent beginning if you didn't press for details, but spectacular failure ensued. (He gets two pictures. I couldn't decide between 'em.)

Tatami-- [Please note, I am sponsored by their competitor Black Eagle, but in doing my reviews, I try very hard to be objective and note my findings accurately and form opinions from that data.] Jon Huntsman. Bland, can't recall anything specific, not objectionable, but not my first choice. This is a basic simple version I was given for reviewing by BJJHQ.com and I think it's the Nova Basic without the blingy shoulder patch (note the photo at the top of their page shows my version of this gi, but the current model has the patch.)
Kauai Ripstop. (Obama)
Black Eagle Predadora (ladies' fit). Now this is where my little political joke just can't stand up, because I freaking love, love, love this gi. I would probably quit my job just to volunteer full-time for any candidate I liked this much. My hands-down favorite gi of all time and the standard by which all others are measured. Obviously not because I'm sponsored by them, but please remember that as you read on.
On to the specifics! For reference, I measure gis out of the bag, then wash in the hottest possible wash and rinse setting, and dry in a hot dryer before the second measurement. Future washes are usually on warm or cool settings but still machine dried. If further shrinkage is notable, I will re-measure. Also, I took all these photos together, and I was non-competition-weight >140lbs, 36-28-39, 5'2".
Ouano Competition Light: Ouano has these on sale right now, but only size A0, A4 and A5 are in stock; $110-120. Rumor has it they're retiring this gi.

Reviewed previously by Kumachan... BJJGearJunkie ... and on Sherdog.
Stats: 8 ounce ripstop pants, 450 g lightweight jacket, A1 weighs 3 lbs even.
Measurements: size A1 before and after wash-- Pants shrank a little lengthwise but not widthwise. Jacket shrank a little both ways.
Pants across waist: 21"/21"
Leg outside, front waist to cuff: 37"/35"
Leg outside, back waist to cuff: 37"/35"
Cuff: 10"/9 3/4"
Rise (center of crotch up to waist) front: 16"/15 1/2"
Rise rear: 16"/15 1/2"
Jacket front length (shoulder next to collar to bottom hem): 30"/28"
Chest width (underarm to underarm): 22"/21"
Arm length (underarm to cuff): 22"/21"
Cuff: 6 1/2"/6"
I was given this gi by a good friend and sponsor, Mike at MMAOutlet.com. I like the color scheme, but the fit isn't good for me. Too long in the torso and sleeves, too poofy in the torso, too deep a rise, too flat a bum. I wore it once and felt constricted. The pants are ripstop, but of an unusual variety that feels more stiff than flexible. Overall, good construction, and for a "lightweight" gi it definitely feels more sturdy and resilient than the Vulkan Ultralight (which is supremely soft and comfy, and I find to be plenty tough, but some complain about its lightness for day-to-day training.)
I also loaned this to a visiting gal for two weeks who is taller and slimmer than me, and she had no complaints. I was impressed that the black never faded in about 30 washes (I kept trying to shrink the sucker just to see.)
I'll let the pictures speak for the gi: fraying seam tape in one spot
Nice reinforcement on the interior vent of the jacket.
One spot of skipped stitching, interior pants at the crotch, but note the triple seaming.
Expansive double layer on the front of the pants will provide good wear protection. Four belt loops, and a stretchy thick cord belt. Doesn't seem to be the type that will easily fray/develop "runs" if you know what I mean.
Yes, this is me, post-Thanksgiving, post-Christmas party. These pants are a little tight. If you have a bum, they're not for you. I prefer pants with a rear rise longer than the front rise, so that you cover the plumber's crack and yet don't have that "high waisted" feeling in the front. These pants definitely felt high in the front.
The flash bleaches the gi out a bit, but the black is really quite dark. Here's what I mean about the rear and front rise being the same-- this comes up over my bellybutton in front. Excellent reinforcement of a stress point, worsened by my holiday insulation.
Not too blingy for my taste (too much for some though)-- this is the forearm embroidery. Couple loose threads after a few wears.
Exterior jacket vent reinforcement, very nice.
Sleeves a little long for me. Definitely big/loose in the torso and shoulders.
Nice sleek color stitching highlights the shoulder yoke. Note the matching embroidered name on the outside of the left leg.
No where near as offensive as the real Michelle Bachmann... probably a very useful and delightful lightweight gi for someone less curvy than me, made even more appealing by the black that doesn't fade despite about 30 hot washes and dries.
If you'd like to see it in action, Cane Prevost recently posted about playing top half guard on his excellent blog The Gentle Art, and he's wearing the white-with-orange version of this gi in his videos, found here.
Up next-- yet ANOTHER review of the BE Predator MKII! Stay tuned!
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