Coming soon: reviews and reports

I just got back from NYC and have been cramming for my argument before the 5th Circuit on Tuesday.  I haven't had a chance to post about the trip yet, but I will.  Just wanted to say, I am so excited about a number of things that I'll be posting about in the near future!

First, gi reviews.  I have been training in a few gis for the last few months to be able to review them for you, and I'm considering doing a big "comparison" review.  The gis include the Tatami Estilo Classic from BJJHQ, the DOM Fightwear DMX pink gi, the mens' navy Vulkan Ultralight, and two gis from Black Eagle-- the Predator MK II and the Predadora ladies' fit.  I'll do a head-to-head rundown with the Atama Mundial #9.

Second, instructional reviews.  Tony Pacenski's Sao Paulo Pass, the Best of Roy Harris 3-DVD set from Roy Dean, Gracie Bullyproof, Brian Johnson's Basic 12 Curriculum (he's a black belt out in Seattle under John Will), and Emily Kwok (who took silver in the 2011 NoGi World Championships yesterday) and Stephan Kesting's latest, How to Defeat a Bigger, Stronger Opponent

Here's a bit from Tony's Sao Paulo Pass...

And this is from Emily and Stephan's new collaboration...

This morning I'm hitting the Austin Women's Open Mat for some fun, then back to the grindstone...

Have a lovely day!


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