Something's rotten in Camp Springs, Denmark...

Case: 03841 FECR012155 (SIOUX)

(When he was at Northwestern College in Iowa.)

Here's the statute:

A person commits sexual abuse in the third degree when the person
performs a sex act under any of the following circumstances:
1. The act is done by force or against the will of the other
person, whether or not the other person is the person's spouse or is
cohabiting with the person.
2. The act is between persons who are not at the time cohabiting
as husband and wife and if any of the following are true:
a. The other person is suffering from a mental defect or
incapacity which precludes giving consent.
b. The other person is twelve or thirteen years of age.
c. The other person is fourteen or fifteen years of age and
any of the following are true:
(1) The person is a member of the same household as the other
(2) The person is related to the other person by blood or
affinity to the fourth degree.
(3) The person is in a position of authority over the other
person and uses that authority to coerce the other person to submit.
(4) The person is four or more years older than the other person.
3. The act is performed while the other person is under the
influence of a controlled substance, which may include but is not
limited to flunitrazepam, and all of the following are true:
a. The controlled substance, which may include but is not
limited to flunitrazepam, prevents the other person from consenting
to the act.
b. The person performing the act knows or reasonably should
have known that the other person was under the influence of the
controlled substance, which may include but is not limited to
4. The act is performed while the other person is mentally
incapacitated, physically incapacitated, or physically helpless.
Sexual abuse in the third degree is a class "C" felony.

It would seem he was charged with:

c. The other person is fourteen or fifteen years of age and
any of the following are true:

(4) The person is four or more years older than the other person.

Doesn't seem like he's registered as a sex offender in Maryland. He was charged with sexual abuse and pled down to an assault not necessarily involving sex. 

The publicly available information on the rot in Team Lloyd Irvin is summarized like this: 1989 gang rape, multiple defendants convicted, Lloyd tells his male students it was a consensual train run, New Year's Even 2013 gang rape in parking lot, Jordon's statement regarding coerced sexual acts on a medal chaser, and now it's discovered DJ was charged with third degree sexual abuse and pled down to assault with bodily harm. Birds of a feather...

Now it seems painfully clear why DJ chose to remain with Team Lloyd Irvin.

This is more than Lloyd, more than Nick and Mateo, more than DJ, more than the sum of the parts: it's endemic to this team.

 Something is rotten in Team Lloyd Irvin.


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