
As a homeschooling mom, I'm always looking for ways to creatively enhance my kids' educational experience.  We are currently using Sonlight Core G as a curriculum base, but I throw in a lot of other things as I find them, including internet videos.  My hope is that my efforts to weed through the resources on the internet will help other homeschoolers who are using Story of the World for their history curriculum.

I've also found that I need to be very careful about my children and YouTube.  They may be watching material that is fun, educational and completely innocent, but the videos titles and stills that pop up around it are not.  I have nothing to worry about when I send them to my blog to watch videos for their schoolwork!

I'm starting by posting links for Volume 2 since that is where I am with my kids, but I have done the research for Volume 1.  It just needs to be posted.  Feel free to contact me if you need the list I've compiled for Creation through the Fall of Rome.

Please preview the clips before showing them to your children, respectfully keeping in mind that different families have different standards for media exposure.


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